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PNE  Livestock Barn


The Pacific National Exhibition (PNE) livestock barn in Vancouver, BC provides a variety of services within their facility: pony rides, barns, and performance stages. In total there are 22 areas that had dimly lit and uneven lighting, including the barn and exterior lights which were contributing to high costs with their need to be on for many hours of the day. Additionally, not only were the old fluorescent lights unhealthy for the animal's long-term health, the areas that were poorly lit made it hard to see for both workers and customers at
their facilities.


  • Provided 82% savings

  • $292,470 lighting and maintenance

  • savings over 10 years

  • 3 year payback

  • 6 year warranty on product, service,
    and maintenance

  • 20+ year lamp life expectancy

  • Improved health and wellness for

  • Lowering carbon footprint by 79%

  • Brighter, and more visually appealing


Radiance Energy won the contract based on their expert's solution for high efficiency, flicker-free circadian lights with sensors and controls. The projected savings for their building was 82% in energy and maintenance, 313,919 kWh,
and $292,470 over 10 years.
In addition to energy and maintenance savings, the animals and workers are also benefitting from the new LED lights. With circadian lighting and controls mimicking natural daylight, the animals sleep better, regulate their schedules, and live under healthier lighting environments.

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